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Digital Delivery of Products
Digital Delivery of Products
Digital transformation is the trend and standard configuration of enterprise development. In the construction, operation and maintenance of 4/5G wireless commercial network, the digitalization, platformization and future intelligent management of the whole process of network delivery and operation and maintenance become very urgent. Facing the digital trend, Digital Project Delivery Management Platform (DDMP) and Good Maintenance Management Platform (NMS), independently developed by FiberHome, through online and offline data entry, collection, cleaning, analysis and mining, combined with existing network monitoring, maintenance and optimization, fully taps the potential value of data, digitalizes, visualizes and streamlines the main processes in wireless network construction to cope with the problems and challenges in commercial network scale construction, and assists wireless network delivery project management.

Product Characteristics

Digital Project Delivery Management Platform (DDMP) is mainly used to visually display the project progress through integrated billboards for the 4/5G network engineering construction, site stocking, project management and other scenes under construction. Compared with the traditional manual data entry and tabular project management methods, DDMP has higher efficiency, intuition and expandability, and can better provide future digital management capabilities. Its advantages include:

  • Service-based component integration, with cross-platform use capability and low-cost expansion of management boundaries

  • Highly flexible Bashboard and abundant chart presentation

  • Intuitive project management billboard and multi-user collaboration

Good Maintenance Management Platform (NMS) is mainly aimed at the daily complaint work order management of 4/5G network during and after construction, and has the following characteristics:

  • It can be deployed in any commercial terminal of APP

  • Push the historical complaint records of relevant work orders, including complaint description and reply content, and remind the front desk of high-frequency complaints, so as to ensure that the maintenance agent's reply to users is consistent with the previous reply

  • Push the test around the complaint point and the situation of sites exiting the service, and generate the analysis report according to the test results to improve the complaint point handling efficiency

  • Push VIP risk point prompt

  • Through the handshake mechanism, the platform can automatically judge whether the relevant maintenance agents have tested, whether they have tested at the complaint point, whether they have tested at the complaint point before the reply time limit, and the completion of the work is clear at a glance

  • Statistics of the number of orders received by each terminal in each region to understand the workload of maintenance agent

  • During the testing process, calling the user's phone through NMS software will leave a contact record. Through photos and notes, the interaction and recording between front and background can be realized

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